I used to travel all over the place on dedicated bird photography trips, as well as tacking on a few extra days on business trips to get some shooting in. All that changed with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of this writing, I haven't left New Mexico or been on a plane since February of 2020. I've continued doing photography, but it's been limited to Northern and Central New Mexico. Though I miss my wandering days, these past two years have provided a great opportunity to deepen my knowledge of New Mexico's unique avifauna. For instance, prior to the pandemic, I had no idea that "eastern" birds like the Red-headed Woodpecker can be found in New Mexico, if you know where to look. While I've been putting in time in the field these past two years, I haven't really been putting any time into processing my photos, so most of those will have to wait a little while longer to see the light of day. But a few images processed so far are included below.